Announcing the 2021 Ignite My Future Scholarship Winners

Thank you to all of the impressive students who applied to our first- Ignite My Future Scholarship. We are pleased to announce the winners of the 2021 scholarship.
Summer Hamilton
Summer is a senior at Wellington High School. Her community engagement includes volunteering for Kiwanis Pancake Breakfasts and as a coach for Special Olympics. “I love interacting with people, especially veterans because I love to hear their stories and accomplishments or the sacrifices they made for our country.” Summer will be attending Kent State University in the fall of 2021 to study accounting.
Abbey Higginbotham
Abbey is a senior Normandy High School in Parma and is a member of the National Honor Society. She volunteers her time tutoring her peers and has made blankets for a local animal shelter. “To me, service means that you help another person by performing a service or action. I have over 90 hours of community service, my favorite being when I volunteered at St. Augustine’s Hunger Center. It felt amazing to know that I was helping feed those who did not know where their next meal was coming from.” Abbey will be attending the University of Akron in the fall of 2021 to study speech-language pathology.
a Vurbic
Maria is a junior at Eastlake North High School in Eastlake and for the past three years has volunteered as a classroom assistant for Saints Robert and William’s PSR program. “I love working with children, and I hope that something I teach them sticks with them throughout their lives.” Maria will be attending Lakeland Community College to participate in their college credit plus program.
Congratulations to our winners!
The 2022 Ignite My Future Scholarship application will be available in November. To learn more about the scholarship, click here
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