Monthly Archives: January 2023
Using A Mobile Wallet: a quick user guide
Have you ever used your phone to pay at your local pharmacy or grocery store? If not, you’re missing out on the convenience of your mobile wallet. A global study has predicted that around 60% of people worldwide will use digital wallets in 2023. And why not? A simple tap, and you’re good to go!… (read more)
Posted In: FFCCU News and Info, Member Perks, Membership: Info to Know
Your Ultimate Guide to Applying for the 2023 Ignite My Future Scholarship
While you may not be thinking about how to pay for school yet, that fall tuition bill (for high school or college!) will be due before you know it. If you are a Club Ignite member, (or eligible to become one), you may be able to help fund your education with FFCCU’s Ignite My Future… (read more)
Posted In: FFCCU News and Info, Ignite, Member Perks, Membership: Info to Know
6 Money-Spending Habits That You Need to Ditch
Let’s get real; we all sometimes spend money unnecessarily. However, in certain cases, we overlook spending habits that may do more harm than good. Here are 6 common habits you may have gotten into and how to break them: 1. You Follow “Emotional Spending.” Have you succumbed to “emotional spending”? According to clinical psychologist Sheila Forman,… (read more)
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