Monthly Archives: July 2024

Financial Planning and Divorce

Divorce can be one of the most challenging life events. It is an emotional time and can bring about significant changes. Among the many adjustments that follow divorce, achieving financial independence can be intimidating. However, with careful planning, customized strategies, and a positive mindset, it is possible to regain financial stability and independence post-divorce. Here… (read more)

HELOAN Terms & Tips

A HELOAN (Home Equity Loan) is a form of second mortgage that provides you with a strong and reliable option to meet your financial goals. HELOANs may be used for home renovations, or really any significant expense like travel, education, medical needs, etc. As a borrower, you always want to approach a loan as informed… (read more)

Can I Buy a House – Or Am I Too Young?

Homeownership is seen as a truly “adulting” milestone. And it can be an exciting adventure for first-time buyers. But here’s a little cold water: the National Association of Realtors reports the average age of first-time home buyers is 35. And that’s an improvement from the previous average of 36! A discouraging mix of high interest… (read more)