Nichole Coyle CFP®, CSLP®


Beginning my career as a Financial Advisor in 2010, I have continued to advance my education over the years. Most notably, earning the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™️ designation. I specialize in helping medical professionals and those with state and federal pensions (such as fire/medics, police, and FAA employees) to eliminate debt, build real wealth, and leave an impactful legacy.

When I first started college, I thought that I wanted to be a teacher. I quickly realized that while I had a passion for helping and educating people, I wasn’t meant to work in a school. Meanwhile, I was learning the hard way how to manage my finances and started learning more about personal and small business finance.

After some searching, I found my calling as a financial advisor, helping others to intentionally and effectively manage their money. I worked with a large, nationwide firm for several years, and while I am grateful for all that I learned there, I found I could make a more powerful impact as an independent financial advisor. This realization eventually led me to join teams with the Firefighters Community Credit Union. Over the years, I have enjoyed helping members work towards and achieve their financial goals.

Giving back and serving are very important to me. I have served on the board for Kent State University Stark County Alumni and volunteered with Maranatha Bible Church, Girl Scouts of America, Cleveland Angels, and Sufficient Grace Ministries.

Additionally, I am a huge book nerd! I love reading everything from historical fiction to sci-fi to non-fiction. I am deeply enamored with learning and love this quote by Alexander Pope in “An Essay on Criticism” (1711): A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, And drinking largely sobers us again.

Nichole Coyle


English, American Sign Language


Financial Planning


Kent State – BA, English
The American College of Financial
Services – Certified Financial Planner


College Savings with a 529 Plan

College Savings with a 529 Plan

May 29th is National 529 Day. This week Nichole Coyle, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, talks about what a 529 plan is and recent changes that have made…

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Common Home Buying Myths

Common Home Buying Myths

Thinking about buying a home, but feeling unsure about all the particulars? This is likely one of the largest purchases you’ll make in your lifetime. There…

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Five Conservative Investment Options for Unusual Economic Times

Five Conservative Investment Options for Unusual Economic Times

Confused about certificates? Lamenting over loans? Today, guest blogger, Nichole Coyle, Certified Financial PlannerTM, discusses conservative investment options to help ride the current economic rollercoaster.  Generally,…

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