How to Get the Best Used Auto Rate
For most of us, having a car to get around is a necessity. Unless you live in a large city and have access to a robust public transportation system, car ownership is a critical component of functioning in the modern world. Automobiles, generally speaking, also represent the second largest purchase(s) we make in our lives,… (read more)
Posted In: auto loans, Lending
Empower Your Kids with a Student Savings Account
Learning how to manage money wisely is an important skill that can set children up for financial success in life. But it’s harder to explain the value of money in a society that is increasingly cashless. When children don’t see real money being exchanged, it’s harder for them to grasp the basic concepts around how… (read more)
Posted In: Guest Blog, Sparky's Kids Club
Teaching Financial Literacy at Sparky’s Kids Club Financial Fest
Everybody loves summer fun, so getting back in the groove of classes and homework can be a struggle. But getting an early start to the school year doesn’t sound particularly exciting either. So what’s a kid to do? That’s where our mascot, Sparky, steps in: with a fun, family event teaching financial literacy that will… (read more)
Posted In: Sparky's Kids Club
Financial Planning and Divorce
Divorce can be one of the most challenging life events. It is an emotional time and can bring about significant changes. Among the many adjustments that follow divorce, achieving financial independence can be intimidating. However, with careful planning, customized strategies, and a positive mindset, it is possible to regain financial stability and independence post-divorce. Here… (read more)
Posted In: Guest Blog, Tips For Managing Finances
HELOAN Terms & Tips
A HELOAN (Home Equity Loan) is a form of second mortgage that provides you with a strong and reliable option to meet your financial goals. HELOANs may be used for home renovations, or really any significant expense like travel, education, medical needs, etc. As a borrower, you always want to approach a loan as informed… (read more)
Posted In: Lending
Unlock Bonus Benefits with This Credit Union Checking Account
A checking account is so essential that it may not be something you think about often. As the main place where many of us keep our money, we use checking accounts every day. It is the hub of our financial life. Even if you have written off writing checks, this account is still the “home”… (read more)
Posted In: Checking
What is a Certified Financial Planner?
Managing your personal finances can be stressful. Are you saving enough for retirement? Will you have enough set aside to help your kids with college expenses? Are you dealing with any debt? Are you confident about your current savings and investment decisions? There are subtleties, legalities, best practices, and changing rules that influence all of… (read more)
Posted In: Guest Blog, Tips For Managing Finances
Rev & Ride: Getting a Credit Union Motorcycle Loan
Embarking on the exhilarating journey of purchasing your dream motorcycle involves more than just picking out the perfect ride. Before delving into the benefits of a credit union motorcycle loan, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research upfront. Whether you’re an experienced rider or a newbie exploring the world of motorcycles, this initial phase sets the… (read more)
What’s So Cool About FedNow Payments?
You may have heard about making “FedNow® payments” within the past year. If so, you may be confused about what exactly it is. While the purpose of the service is easy to grasp, the particulars can sound complicated. The rollout of the FedNow payments service poses an exciting new benefit to our members. I’d love… (read more)
Posted In: FFCCU Services