Category Archives: Checking

New Card Controls From FFCCU

You’re used to friends, family, (and maybe even yourself) making resolutions to change for the better in the new year. But you might not have expected your debit card to jump on the bandwagon too! For 2025, FFCCU is adding some features to your debit card controls that can give you big benefits going forward…. (read more)

Unlock Bonus Benefits with This Credit Union Checking Account

A checking account is so essential that it may not be something you think about often. As the main place where many of us keep our money, we use checking accounts every day. It is the hub of our financial life. Even if you have written off writing checks, this account is still the “home”… (read more)

Summer Jobs for Teens: What to Know

Summers for high school students are no longer lazy days. Mandatory summer reading lists, the option to earn college credits through summer courses, driver’s ed requirements to start. Then add in making a little money, and it’s all competing for your limited time. With everything going on, finding a summer job can be more challenging… (read more)

The Difference Between Credit and Debit and Cash

What is the real difference between credit and debit and cash? When should you use one over another? While they’re equally convenient these days (with the prevalence of mobile pay options), each has many advantages and disadvantages for your spending needs. This week’s blog post comes from the Ohio Credit Union League and explores the… (read more)

Mobile Wallets & Payment Apps: is Mobile Pay Really Safe?

Still reticent to dive into the world of mobile payments? It’s easy to understand why. You’ve undoubtedly come across intimidating terms like ‘ransomware,’ heard horror stories about identity theft, or even had to scrub your own device after infestation from a virus (the days of LimeWire aren’t that far behind us). The idea of trusting… (read more)

Our Holiday Hoopla Contest is Back!

Our Holiday Hoopla Contest is back by popular demand! The 2021 contest kicks off on Wednesday December 1! Want to win? Here’s what you need to do: Get an Advantage Checking account (if you don’t have one already!) Opening an account is easy, just head over here. Swipe your Advantage Checking debit card 12 times… (read more)

Why a Debit Card the Best Tool in Your Wallet

Debit or credit, that’s often the debate. While credit cards have their place, a debit card can indeed be the most valuable tool you have in your wallet every day. When you have a debit card, you can make easy and secure purchases online and in-person by directly drawing the money from your checking account…. (read more)

Holiday Hoopla Contest – Get All the Details to Win!

Thanks for participating in the 2020 Holiday Hoopla contest and weekly “Swipes for Cheer” challenges. The contest is now closed. Hey Advantage Checking members, you could win BIG during our Holiday Hoopla Contest! Here’s how to win! All you need to do is swipe your Advantage Checking debit card 12 times during December, and you’ll… (read more)

Member Service: How Can We Help You?

There’s no doubt about it that credit unions are different. We take member service seriously As members, you’re part owners and have a stake in what happens. Keep reading to learn more about how we differ and what we can help you with today. How Does Our Member Service Differ? And according to the World… (read more)