Category Archives: FFCCU Services
Rev & Ride: Getting a Credit Union Motorcycle Loan
Embarking on the exhilarating journey of purchasing your dream motorcycle involves more than just picking out the perfect ride. Before delving into the benefits of a credit union motorcycle loan, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research upfront. Whether you’re an experienced rider or a newbie exploring the world of motorcycles, this initial phase sets the… (read more)
What’s So Cool About FedNow Payments?
You may have heard about making “FedNow® payments” within the past year. If so, you may be confused about what exactly it is. While the purpose of the service is easy to grasp, the particulars can sound complicated. The rollout of the FedNow payments service poses an exciting new benefit to our members. I’d love… (read more)
Posted In: FFCCU Services
Tips for Your Student Loan Payment
College graduation can bring both excitement and anxiety for students gearing up for the next stage of life. Many are starting their professional careers with an overwhelming amount of debt and a burdensome monthly student loan payment. In this guest blog post from our friends at Ohio Credit Union League, you’ll get a picture of what some… (read more)
Posted In: Guest Blog, Ignite, Lending
Is Now the Time to Get a Home Equity Loan?
What Exactly is a Home Equity Loan? Every single home is worth some amount of money. We might call that its market value. That market value is reflective of a number of different factors, but the single biggest is generally the comparable sales in the area. An appraiser, when assessing the value of a home,… (read more)
Summer Jobs for Teens: What to Know
Summers for high school students are no longer lazy days. Mandatory summer reading lists, the option to earn college credits through summer courses, driver’s ed requirements to start. Then add in making a little money, and it’s all competing for your limited time. With everything going on, finding a summer job can be more challenging… (read more)
5 Benefits for When You Go Paperless
Why go paperless? If you’re still receiving your monthly account statement through the mail, you might wonder what all the fuss is about. After all, it’s probably a complicated process to switch over to e-statements – and you already have a way to receive your account info, right? …Right? Well, it might not be quite… (read more)
Posted In: FFCCU Services, Membership: Info to Know
Your Ohio Scholarship Application Guide 2024
All the questions you have – and a few you didn’t even know you needed to ask! Education costs are higher than ever – and as a money-savvy teen, you’ve probably given some thought to how you’ll pay for school. Whether that means college, another year of high school expenses, or any other specialized post-grad… (read more)
Posted In: FFCCU Services, Ignite