Category Archives: FFCCU Services
Handling Holiday Stress: Family & Finances
Hustle and bustle and holiday lights. Much as the season is about cheer, time with friends and family, giving, and good feelings – there are also a lot of expectations. Holiday stress, seasonal affective disorder (did they have to name it S.A.D.?), and the fact that time moves much faster when you are busy. Add… (read more)
Posted In: FFCCU Services, Saving, Tips For Managing Finances
Credit Union vs Bank: See the #CUDIFFERENCE
Credit Union vs. Bank: what are the differences? We’re posting today’s blog during the 24-hour stretch of our Member Appreciation Day (Celebrated October 13 at our Downtown Cleveland Branch and October 14 at all other FFCCU branches). So, while our valued members enjoy freebies and sweet treats, we want to address those folks who have… (read more)
Posted In: FFCCU News and Info, FFCCU Services, Member Perks
The Difference Between Credit and Debit and Cash
What is the real difference between credit and debit and cash? When should you use one over another? While they’re equally convenient these days (with the prevalence of mobile pay options), each has many advantages and disadvantages for your spending needs. This week’s blog post comes from the Ohio Credit Union League and explores the… (read more)
Posted In: Checking, Guest Blog
Firefighters Community Credit Union Mobile App & Digital Banking – What You Need to Know
Fresh and futuristic features await! Whether you are upgrading from the previous Firefighters Community Credit Union mobile app, or diving into our digital banking experience for the first time, here are some essential tips to get you started on your digital banking journey. Keep in mind: all of the following applies to both online banking… (read more)
Posted In: FFCCU Services
Mobile Wallets & Payment Apps: is Mobile Pay Really Safe?
Still reticent to dive into the world of mobile payments? It’s easy to understand why. You’ve undoubtedly come across intimidating terms like ‘ransomware,’ heard horror stories about identity theft, or even had to scrub your own device after infestation from a virus (the days of LimeWire aren’t that far behind us). The idea of trusting… (read more)
Posted In: Checking
6 Ways a Most Rewards Credit Card Gives You the Upper Hand
If you think credit cards are scary, you’re part of the 26% of Americans that share the same opinion, according to the latest NerdWallet survey. However, when you get the right credit card for your needs and know how to use it, it can quickly become a valuable financial tool. And if you use it… (read more)
Posted In: FFCCU Services, Lending
Ways to Avoid a Cash Downturn with a Money Market Account
With this crazy economy, it’s more important than ever to stash some emergency cash. Thankfully, there are lots of great options for those looking to save. One fantastic choice is a money market account. What’s a Money Market Account? Think of a money market account as a combination of a savings and checking account. Remember,… (read more)
Posted In: FFCCU Services, Saving
5 Ways to Live Your Best #Van Life
After two years in a global pandemic, many people have made a shift to make life on the road a permanent way of life. In fact, the 2019 census saw a 38% increase for people living full-time in their van, RV, or boat, and why not when they can travel, work, and play from their very own… (read more)
Posted In: auto loans, Lending
Get A New Motorcycle for the Summer with These Five Tips
Summer is a great time to start looking for your next ride. As the weather heats up, you won’t want to miss the feeling of a warm breeze on your face as you casually cruise through park roads. Here are five steps to take to get the bike of your dreams and the motorcycle financing… (read more)
Posted In: auto loans, Tips For Managing Finances