Category Archives: Guest Blog

Seven Things to Consider During a Market Decline

You’re feeling like a grown up – with a savings account, a checking account and you’ve even started investing. But all of a sudden the market seems to be going south, and you’re getting nervous about whether you’ve made the right financial planning decisions. Today, guest blogger Nichole Coyle, Certified Financial Planner™, talks about what… (read more)

Seven Money Tips You Need to Know Before You Start College

As you prepare to head off to college this fall, guest blogger, Nichole Coyle, Certified Financial Planner™, has seven money saving tips to help you adjust to this new phase in your life. Get a Part Time Job There are plenty of part-time work opportunities right now, whether at the local retail store, serving or… (read more)

Get Your Financial Goals On Track For 2021

Guest blogger Nichole Coyle, Certified Financial Planner™, talks about sticking to a budget, setting financial goals for the new year, and when to meet with a financial advisor. The start of the new year can bring the promise of a fresh start. Many of you will make resolutions to eat healthier, work out more, or… (read more)

Three Ways to Gift Funds to Family Members or Loved Ones

Today, guest Blogger, Nichole Coyle, Certified Financial Planner™, talks about three options for gifting funds to the people you love. Gifting to Family There are many ways to give gifts to those that you love. Gifts and donations come in many forms, both big and small. When we think of giving gifts, we often think… (read more)

Considering Retiring Early Due To The Covid-19 Pandemic? Here’s What You Need To Know!

Guest blogger Nichole Coyle, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, talks about the different options you have if you are retiring early due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Whether you were laid off, furloughed, owned a business, your company downsized or shut down, or you decided it wasn’t worth risking your health, millions of Americans have had significant changes… (read more)

Different Student Loans & How They Affect Your Credit Score

Today, guest blogger Nichole Coyle, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, discusses different student loans and your credit score. Learn the different types and the effect they have on your credit. If you plan on going to college, make sure to research the type of student loans that are available. Figure out whip options might work best for… (read more)

How to Involve Your Teens in Financial Planning and Money: What You Should Be Talking About

Last week guest blogger Nichole Coyle shared some ideas on how to help your younger children (age 3-12) understand money, financial responsibility, savings, and more. This week, she’s sharing some ideas on how teaching your teen about money can help them succeed as they become an adult. If you read last week’s blog post, you… (read more)

How to Talk to Younger Kids (Ages 3-12) About Money

Today guest blogger Nichole Coyle, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, explores the importance of teaching younger children about financial planning and money to set them up for success as they become more independent. Learn the Value of Money Do your children ever receive money for their birthdays or other holidays? Or have you started some monetary reward… (read more)

7 Steps to Financial Freedom

In this blog post from guest blogger Nichole Coyle, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, she discusses how to pursue financial freedom. Read on to learn more. Finding Your Financial Freedom Financial freedom can mean something different to everyone.  For some, it may mean they are debt-free.  For another person, it could mean having enough set aside so… (read more)