Category Archives: Ignite

College Savings: Money Tips for College Students and their Parents

High School Seniors: Whether you are waiting to hear back from early decision entries or are still sending out applications, in less than a year, you’ll be arriving on campus for the first time. There’s a lot to plan for: class selection, dorm life needs, social clubs – and, of course, all of the particulars… (read more)

Learning About Money – 4 Tips for Your Kids

Tips to Teach Children How to Save and Spend Learning about money is an essential step in a child’s education. Early comprehension empowers kids to develop good spending habits from an early age. Then, as they get older, they will utilize those tips and make smart financial choices for their own families. The complexities of… (read more)

Shopping on Facebook & Beyond: Tips for Safe Social Media Shopping

Shopping on Facebook (and its sister platform Instagram) is on the rise. Whether it’s buying locally through the adventure that is using Facebook Marketplace or going from trend to transaction over Instagram’s “Shop on Instagram” feature, social shopping might soon be a prevalent part of our lives.   When it comes to advertising and sales,… (read more)

6 Financial Tips for Life After Graduating College

When you’re graduating college, there are a lot of financial decisions to make. Many you are quickly aware of, while some you may take some time to learn. Nichole Coyle, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, is here to give you a shortcut to information that can help you be a step ahead! 1. Student Loans Most people… (read more)

Financial Literacy for Teens

“Financial Literacy for Teens” … maybe sounds intimidating? We get it – you have a lot going on. Classes and homework. Extracurriculars to be on time for. You don’t want to abandon your friends, but your family needs you too. You might have to fill up a car with a tank of gas, cover bus… (read more)

Announcing our 2023 Scholarship Winners!

We are excited to announce our 2023 Ignite My Future Scholarship winners! As an organization, FFCCU is committed to people helping people. In that spirit, the Ignite My Future Scholarship recognizes deserving Club Ignite members who have demonstrated a commitment to their communities through volunteer activity.  Scholarship winners receive $500 towards tuition for the fall… (read more)

Your Ultimate Guide to Applying for the 2023 Ignite My Future Scholarship

While you may not be thinking about how to pay for school yet, that fall tuition bill (for high school or college!) will be due before you know it. If you are a Club Ignite member, (or eligible to become one), you may be able to help fund your education with FFCCU’s Ignite My Future… (read more)

Easy Money Tips for Teens: Advice from a Club Ignite Member

A member from Club Ignite, Jacob Obloj, recently stopped in at the Parma branch to talk about his journey with FFCCU! While only 13, Jacob has learned the importance of saving and budgeting and has some important insights for our teen Club Ignite members. Here are some key lessons Jacob talked with us about:  … (read more)

Teaching Financial Literacy During National Credit Union Youth Month, Part 2

In honor of National Credit Union Youth Month, we’re back with part two in our series about youth financial literacy. This week, certified financial planner™, Nicole Coyle, shares tips to get your teens participating in their financial future. Want tips for younger kids? Check out last week’s post here.   Financial Literacy for Tweens and Young… (read more)

Congratulations to Our 2022 Ignite My Future Scholarship Winners!

Picking the scholarship recipients every year is a difficult job. With so many exceptional candidates, it is never an easy task. However, we are grateful for all the students that applied. And without further ado, here are the 2022 Ignite My Future Scholarship winners: Grace Koehler Grace is a senior at Medina High School. She… (read more)