Category Archives: Tips For Managing Finances
Get A New Motorcycle for the Summer with These Five Tips
Summer is a great time to start looking for your next ride. As the weather heats up, you won’t want to miss the feeling of a warm breeze on your face as you casually cruise through park roads. Here are five steps to take to get the bike of your dreams and the motorcycle financing… (read more)
Posted In: auto loans, Tips For Managing Finances
Teaching Financial Literacy During National Credit Union Youth Month, Part 1
Welcome to part one of the National Credit Union Youth Month blogs! Every April, credit unions around the country celebrate this month as a way to get kids involved in finances. Over the next two weeks, Nichole Coyle, Certified Financial Planner™, explains how to get your kids excited about saving and budgeting. Teaching children about… (read more)
Posted In: Saving, Sparky's Kids Club, Tips For Managing Finances
How Covid-19 Has Affected Women’s Financial Health
Over the past two years, we have seen many things shift and change as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the more dramatic effects of all these changes has been the impact on women’s financial health. Since the early phase of the pandemic, women were more likely than men to lose or leave… (read more)
Posted In: FFCCU News and Info, Saving, Tips For Managing Finances
Don’t Whip Out Your Credit Card Yet: How to Put a Pause on Social Media Spending
Sometimes it’s hard not to get sucked into your screen. One day you’re scanning posts on your favorite social media site, and you see something that gives you the itch to reach for your wallet. It’s easy for social media to captivate us with dream-like images, whether it’s a picture of a sandy beach in… (read more)
Posted In: Tips For Managing Finances
Sinking Funds, A New Way to Save
Most people have never heard of a sinking fund. Typically you start with a savings account. Next, you add a checking account which is typically used to pay bills and other expenses. Savings accounts often serve as an emergency fund that is rarely touched. Others use it as a revolving account where money is often… (read more)
Posted In: Saving, Tips For Managing Finances
2021 Taxes: 8 Things You Need to Know About
Last year’s tax season was complicated, thanks to the pandemic. Now, 2021 tax filings may be shaping up to be the same. Covid-19 continues to create challenges, and stimulus money, unemployment benefits, and the child tax credit can make it more complicated. With all the shifts, it’s essential to keep on top of changes and… (read more)
Posted In: FFCCU News and Info, Tips For Managing Finances
Why It’s a Good Idea to Have Vacation and Holiday Club Accounts
When’s the last time you went on vacation. Go ahead. Think about it for a minute. We’ll wait. If you can’t remember, (thanks COVID!) then you probably need to get away. Of course, if the funds in your savings account are low, perhaps due to Christmas shopping, you may want to open vacation and holiday… (read more)
Posted In: Saving, Tips For Managing Finances
Why you Need a Dare 2 Compare
As we enter the New Year, it’s a perfect time to take a look at your finances. Financial situations can change faster than the snowfall in January. So, you might not be taking advantage of all your options when it comes to saving your hard-earned cash. At FFCCU, we offer our Dare 2 Compare challenge,… (read more)
Posted In: Dare2Compare, Tips For Managing Finances
Alternatives to Spending that Holiday Cash: Best Savings Account Ideas for 2022
If you have been gifted money this holiday season, consider how you can save it rather than spending it all as soon as you receive it. Check out these six ideas on where to put your money. 1. Start or Add to an Emergency Fund for a Rainy Day Sometimes, extraordinary situations occur out… (read more)
Posted In: Saving, Tips For Managing Finances
Year End Financial Planning
As we look to a new year, it’s a great time to engage in year-end financial planning. Whether you are starting from scratch or just need to review your existing goals, guest blogger Nichole Coyle, Certified Financial PlannerTM, walks you through what to consider as the year ends. Financial planning isn’t a one-time thing. Instead,… (read more)
Posted In: Guest Blog, Tips For Managing Finances