Category Archives: Tips For Managing Finances

How to Understand Credit Scores

Credit scores. Why does a three-digit number cause many people anxiety and stress? After all, it’s just a number. Right? Well, your credit score indicates how likely you’ll repay your debt. Credit unions, banks, and lenders use scores to decide if they’ll approve you for loans or credit cards. The tricky part is that you… (read more)

Money Management: Your Guide to Getting a Fresh Start in the New Year

Ah, the new year: time to toss that stale fruitcake and begin anew on that resolution to lose 20 pounds. It’s also the perfect time to review your personal finances and money management goals. We’re here to help you reach those goals, whether they are to spend less, create an emergency savings fund, or something else…. (read more)

How to Get Your Credit Back on Track

“How do I get my credit back on track?” According to data from the second quarter of 2019 from Experian, the average FICO® Score* in the U.S. is 703, which is considered “good” by most lenders. If your credit was damaged in the past because of divorce, missed payments, or bankruptcy, but you’ve taken steps… (read more)

How to Protect Yourself from Scamming and Fraud

Gotcha! If you shop online, keep one eye on your shopping cart because the holidays bring out false shipping notifications, payment fraud, and other scams. Because of scamming and fraud, identity theft protection has increased over the years. Being scammed isn’t fun. And when fraud is committed, it can wreak havoc on your life and… (read more)

Holiday Tips: Get the Top Four Ways to Cut Costs

While the excitement of the holidays and gift-giving season can be a magical time for children, you may face many additional expenses during the last two months of the year. Whether its gifts, food, decorations, the perfect outfit for that holiday party, or airfare to visit family – there’s no denying the holidays can put… (read more)

How to Choose the Right Credit Card for You

Choosing the best credit card for your lifestyle can have a considerable impact on your overall financial health. In an Ohio Credit Union League 2018 consumer survey, 73 percent of respondents stated they use at least one or two credit cards every month. Of those who regularly utilized credit cards, 39 percent carried up to… (read more)

3 Tips When Shopping For A Used Car

Buying a new car is a big deal. There’s a lot to think about: financing, gas mileage, warranty, number of passengers it can fit, and so on. But things get even more complicated when, instead of a new car, it’s a used car you’re shopping for. Going the used car route can be tricky, but… (read more)

Six Ways to Prepare for Retirement

Planning for retirement can be daunting, leaving even the most-prepared individuals feeling anxious. In an Ohio Credit Union League 2018 consumer survey, 92 percent of respondents said they had at least one major financial concern about retirement. A majority of the survey’s respondents, about 74.6 percent, don’t plan to retire from full-time employment in the… (read more)

Using Science To Break Expensive Habits

We are each a walking collection of habits. The things we do define us, and the things we do often, our habits, truly shape our lives. Some habits cost us money, and when it’s a habit that we perform often, that money tends to add up. What Makes a Habit? A habit is essentially made… (read more)

6 Steps To Adult-Level Financing

It’s a good thing we learned about things like rhombuses, isosceles triangles, and covalent bonds in high school, right? We tend to use this knowledge on a daily basis and it often saves our lives. Without courses that covered this stuff, we would have had to learn useless things like how to be financially stable,… (read more)