You Should Dare2Compare, Then Open a Credit Union Account

A New year always starts with the very best of intentions. Even if you aren’t making a formal “New Year’s Resolution,” you’re no doubt thinking about what the next twelve months are going to bring personally and financially. It’s hard to take the first steps towards making a change (even for the better) so treating the start of the year as a reason to shake things up is a helpful nudge. Here at FFCCU, we provide a great place to start. Our free Dare2Compare account review is just what you need to form a plan – and maybe open a credit union account and save money! Here’s how it works:
What is a Dare2Compare?
Dare2Compare is FFCCU’s free account review challenge. You make an appointment to meet with one of our friendly teammates at any branch. Step into the office, and they’ll review your financial accounts. It doesn’t matter if you have an open credit union account with FFCCU, bank accounts, or both. Do you have loans from a variety of institutions? No problem! We’ll track down your information and develop a picture of your financial situation.
How Does it Help Me?
After analyzing your accounts, our teammates will crunch the numbers. As you might have learned from previous posts, credit unions like FFCCU frequently have better loan and savings rates. Refinancing with FFCCU could save you money overall. Even if your financial situation isn’t flexible now, our teammates can suggest some next-steps to expand your options later. Your Dare2Compare will take around 15-30 minutes and is completely free. There’s no risk, and only the potential to start saving money.
Can I Open a Credit Union Account?
If your Dare2Compare reveals a way to save with FFCCU, you’re probably going to open a credit union account with us. And you totally can! We’re not just for firefighters, and anyone who lives, works, worships, or attends school in any of the Northeast Ohio counties we serve is eligible to become a member. Opening an account with us is quick and easy – it just takes a $5 deposit. With convenient features like digital banking and schedulable payments, managing a loan through FFCCU can be effortless. We have a variety of options, and the teammate running your Dare2Compare will make suggestions that suit your lifestyle.
What If I’ve Already Done a Dare2Compare?
Hey, that’s great! You may have already benefitted from the careful and clever eye of one of our teammates. The good news is there’s no limit to the number of times you can come in to take the Dare2Compare challenge. Even if you have already opened a credit union account, your circumstances may have change for the better. Improving your credit score, getting a raise, making and sticking to budget changes – many of these factors can open up opportunities for things like better interest rates, or new loan options. Coming in for another account review after a big change or a few years’ time might reveal new ways to save money, so consider visiting again.
What Kind of Savings Can I Expect When I Open a Credit Union Account?
Of course, rates can change like the weather and everyone’s personal finances differ. But seeing some examples of other members who uncovered amazing savings with Dare2Compare will give you a picture of the possibilities:
Kevin came in hoping a signature loan would help him pay down some debt. A Dare2Compare confirmed that it wouldn’t do much. Instead, we recommended a home equity loan, saving Kevin $26,000 in interest over 15 years and nearly $1,500/month in minimum payments! We’ll always work with you to find the best option – even if it’s one you didn’t expect.
When John was looking to lower his monthly bills, a Dare2Compare found that he still had 10 years left on his mortgage, at a 9.0% interest rate – ultimately costing him $42,000! After opening a credit union account to refinance, John was able to save a total of $25,000 in interest on the life of his loan!
During a routine stop at her local branch, Kathy was referred to one of our Financial Services Reps for a FREE account review. With the help of our teammates and our EasyPay discount, Kathy cut her auto loan payment down by $155.00 a month!
A teammate helped Lori refinance her mortgage, saving her $60,000 in interest charges for the life of her loan. Lori also refinanced her auto loan and opened a Great Rate Visa card with a low 1.99% APR that she can use to transfer any remaining high-interest debts.
These are just a few of the dozens of ways we’ve saved our members money. Make an appointment to find out your Dare2Compare Story!
New Year, New Dare
Get your financial future sorted for 2025. Visit to get scheduled for a Dare2Compare today. Even if you aren’t a member, this might be the nudge you need to open a credit union account that will save you money for years to come. You’ll never know if you don’t give it a shot!
Posted In: Dare2Compare