Search Results for: account review
Car Ownership vs. Ridesharing
Ridesharing or owning a car. Transportation accounts for 17% of an average American’s spending. This is inconsistent with what financial counselors typically recommend, which is to limit transportation costs to 15% of one’s income, max. And it’s only getting worse! In 2016, the average monthly payment on a new car surpassed $500 per month for… (read more)
Posted In: Tips For Managing Finances
Visa Credit Card App
Visa Credit Card App Access Your FFCCU VISA® Credit Card From Anywhere Download our VISA® credit card app and keep tabs on your card no matter where you are! Download our app to view your balance, see your transactions, make payments, lock your card, and more. Get text alerts in real time when you make… (read more)
How to Get the Best Used Auto Rate
For most of us, having a car to get around is a necessity. Unless you live in a large city and have access to a robust public transportation system, car ownership is a critical component of functioning in the modern world. Automobiles, generally speaking, also represent the second largest purchase(s) we make in our lives,… (read more)
Posted In: auto loans, Lending
Why Healthy Relationships Require Financial Communication
Everyone knows communication is key to a happy marriage. Couples love talking about their future together and exciting vacation plans but avoid tough conversations like finances. In fact, 91 percent of Americans said they actively found reasons to avoid discussing money with their partners, according to an American Express Spending and Saving Tracker poll. Even… (read more)
Posted In: Tips For Managing Finances
Rev & Ride: Getting a Credit Union Motorcycle Loan
Embarking on the exhilarating journey of purchasing your dream motorcycle involves more than just picking out the perfect ride. Before delving into the benefits of a credit union motorcycle loan, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research upfront. Whether you’re an experienced rider or a newbie exploring the world of motorcycles, this initial phase sets the… (read more)
How to Protect Yourself from Scamming and Fraud
Gotcha! If you shop online, keep one eye on your shopping cart because the holidays bring out false shipping notifications, payment fraud, and other scams. Because of scamming and fraud, identity theft protection has increased over the years. Being scammed isn’t fun. And when fraud is committed, it can wreak havoc on your life and… (read more)
Posted In: Local Events, Tips For Managing Finances
Fall Vacation Ideas – Travel on a Budget
At the first dip in the temperature, out come the plastic ghosts and pumpkin drinks! Like it or not, autumn vibes are upon us, and for those still scrambling for fall vacation ideas, that’s putting the pressure on! This week, we feature an article from our friends at the Ohio Credit Union League with some… (read more)
Posted In: Guest Blog, Tips For Managing Finances
To Refi or Not to Refi? That is the Question
There are a lot of determining factors when it comes to whether or not you should refinance your home. Before moving forward, you should ask yourself some questions to better understand if refinancing is right for you. Here are some things to consider: Why are you interested in refinancing? Lower rates, smaller monthly payments, and… (read more)
Posted In: Lending
3 Tips When Shopping For A Used Car
Buying a new car is a big deal. There’s a lot to think about: financing, gas mileage, warranty, number of passengers it can fit, and so on. But things get even more complicated when, instead of a new car, it’s a used car you’re shopping for. Going the used car route can be tricky, but… (read more)
Posted In: Lending, Tips For Managing Finances
How to Be Budget Friendly During Inflationary Times
If you’ve been to a store lately, you know the cost of everything has increased. This is due to inflation, which is the rate of increase in prices over a given period. Inflation occurs when the supply of money grows too large relative to the size of an economy. When this happens, the unit value… (read more)
Posted In: Tips For Managing Finances