
Tag Archives: financial literacy

Teaching Financial Literacy at Sparky’s Kids Club Financial Fest

Everybody loves summer fun, so getting back in the groove of classes and homework can be a struggle. But getting an early start to the school year doesn’t sound particularly exciting either. So what’s a kid to do? That’s where our mascot, Sparky, steps in: with a fun, family event teaching financial literacy that will… (read more)

9 Tips for Newlyweds: Marriage & Finances

Getting married and looking for money advice? Ready or ‘knot,’ guest blogger, Nichole Coyle, joins us today to discuss marriage and finances. Transitioning from handling finances individually to merging two different financial systems, spending patterns, savings approaches, and financial goals can be challenging. Talking about these topics prior to your wedding day or in the… (read more)

Money Saving Tips for 2024

The new year can bring the promise of a fresh start. Many people make resolutions to eat healthier, work out more, or spend more time enjoying a hobby. Resolutions are promises we make to ourselves that will help improve our lives in some way. So, why not resolve to be more financially prepared in 2024?… (read more)

Learning About Money – 4 Tips for Your Kids

Tips to Teach Children How to Save and Spend Learning about money is an essential step in a child’s education. Early comprehension empowers kids to develop good spending habits from an early age. Then, as they get older, they will utilize those tips and make smart financial choices for their own families. The complexities of… (read more)