
Tag Archives: financial planner

Financial Planning for the Family: Expanding the Nest

Bringing a new family member into your home—whether it’s a baby, an adopted child, or even a parent moving in—is one of life’s most rewarding journeys. But, let’s face it, growing your family also brings a hefty dose of financial reality. From diapers to college savings, and everything in between, financial planning for the family… (read more)

Financial Planning and Divorce

Divorce can be one of the most challenging life events. It is an emotional time and can bring about significant changes. Among the many adjustments that follow divorce, achieving financial independence can be intimidating. However, with careful planning, customized strategies, and a positive mindset, it is possible to regain financial stability and independence post-divorce. Here… (read more)

What is a Certified Financial Planner?

Managing your personal finances can be stressful. Are you saving enough for retirement? Will you have enough set aside to help your kids with college expenses? Are you dealing with any debt? Are you confident about your current savings and investment decisions? There are subtleties, legalities, best practices, and changing rules that influence all of… (read more)