Voting has opened to elect three(3) members to the FFCCU Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is essential to the credit union because they serve as the members’ voice and make important decisions on matters such as rates, promotions, policies, procedures, and guide the overall direction of the credit union. Each elected representative will serve a three-year volunteer term.

This year, the ballot has (5) five candidates. Several of the candidates on the ballot are incumbents, meaning they are currently serving on the board and running for re-election. It’s up to you to elect the individuals that you think will serve in the best interest of you and your fellow credit union members. You may vote for up to three (3) candidates.

Part of what separates credit unions from other types of financial institutions is that each member of a credit union is an equal shareholder of the not-for-profit financial cooperative. This means that every member has a say, regardless of how much money he/she has on deposit. At FFCCU, there is no select group of shareholders that profit more than anyone else.

Votes must be cast no later than February 24, 2025, at 4pm EST.


How to vote:

  • Cast an online ballot by clicking here.
  • Phone in your vote by calling 216.621.4644, then listen to the prompts for further instructions.
  • Request a paper ballot be mailed to you by calling 888.286.5068

Requirements for Voter Eligibility:

  • Must be at least 16 years of age.
  • Must be in good financial standing with the credit union.
  • Must hold a primary account with the credit union.
  • Estate accounts are not eligible to vote.

Winners will be announced at our Annual Meeting on March 27, 2025